Usage from Command Line

   You can pass options to the proxy switcher as the command line options. This can be used, for example, to set proxy server settings when user logs on.

   Currently proxy switcher supports following command line options:

 Switch  Description
 -d   Activate direct connection.

-p <ProxyServerAddress:Port>


-p <protocol>=<address:port>;[...]


-p auto=<URL>

  Activate connection via proxy server. Supply proxy server address and port as the next argument.

Or supply per protocol setting of proxy servers in form <portocol>=<address:port>;<protocol>=... Possible values for protocol are: http, https, ftp, gopher, socks.

Or specify auto configuration URL.

-e <ExclusionList>  Set exlusions (which servers should be accessed directly). Supply exclusions as the next argument in the form: <local>;*
This enables "bypass proxy server for local addresses" and disables proxy for domain.  
-x  Do not start proxy switcher GUI but exit after the settings are activated.
-q[uiet]  Do not complain if something goes wrong.
   NB! If you run this at startup you will change settings only for the active connections. This means that it might not work with all types of connections which become available later (dialup, VPN etc.).

  Installer supports following command line options:

 Switch  Description

 Will make installation without asking any questions.

 Will make installation without asking any questions or displaying installation progress.

/name <name>

/key <keycode>

 Both options must be used together. Installation will attempt to register program during install with specified name and keycode.

ProxySwitcherStandard.exe /name "John Doe" /key 12345-67890-ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO


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